Blue Aquatics

How many times in a day should we feed frozen bloodworms to flowerhorn fish?

How many times in a day should we feed frozen bloodworms to flowerhorn fish? Frozen bloodworms are a popular and nutritious food option for Flowerhorn fish, providing essential protein and nutrients to support their health and vitality. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the benefits of feeding frozen bloodworms to Flowerhorn fish and provide practical […]

Which fish is better to keep at home – goldfish or flowerhorn fish?

Which fish is better to keep at home – goldfish or flowerhorn fish? Deciding between a goldfish and a Flowerhorn fish as your aquarium companion can be an exciting yet challenging choice. Both species offer unique characteristics and personalities, making them popular choices among hobbyists. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the differences between goldfish […]

My flowerhorn is not eating food? What should I do now?

My flowerhorn is not eating food? What should I do now? Experiencing a loss of appetite in your Flowerhorn fish can be concerning and frustrating, especially if you’re unsure of the underlying cause or how to help your aquatic companion. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the common reasons why Flowerhorn fish may stop eating […]

What are the signs that show your flowerhorn is not healthy?

What are the signs that show your flowerhorn is not healthy? Ensuring the health and well-being of your Flowerhorn fish is essential for their longevity and happiness. As responsible aquarium owners, it’s crucial to be vigilant and attentive to any signs of illness or distress in your aquatic companions. In this extensive guide, we’ll explore […]

How to recover flowerhorn fish from stress and what are the reasons of flowerhorn stress?

How to recover flowerhorn fish from stress and what are the reasons of flowerhorn stress? Flowerhorn fish, known for their vibrant colors and unique personalities, are susceptible to stress just like any other aquarium fish. Stress can have detrimental effects on their health and well-being if left unaddressed. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the […]

What is the right time of feeding a flowerhorn fish?

What is the right time of feeding a flowerhorn fish? Feeding your Flowerhorn fish at the right time is crucial for their health, digestion, and overall well-being. Establishing a consistent feeding schedule helps ensure that your fish receive the nutrients they need to thrive while avoiding issues such as overfeeding and digestive problems. In this […]

How to identify the age of flowerhorn fish by its size?

How to identify the age of flowerhorn fish by its size? Determining the age of a Flowerhorn fish can be challenging, as there are various factors that influence their growth rate and size. However, by closely observing their physical characteristics and understanding typical growth patterns, you can make an educated estimate of their age based […]

What are the problems to flowerhorn fish with hot water in summers?

What are the problems to flowerhorn fish with hot water in summers? As the temperatures rise during the summer months, Flowerhorn fish owners must be aware of the potential risks associated with hot water in their aquariums. High water temperatures can pose various problems for Flowerhorn fish, affecting their health, behavior, and overall well-being. In […]