Blue Aquatics

Why you should never use normal salt in the aquarium and only use rock salt or sendha namak in the aquarium?

Salt is a crucial component in maintaining a healthy aquarium environment, but not all salt is created equal. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore why it’s essential to use rock salt (Sendha Namak) in your aquarium instead of regular table salt, as well as the benefits it provides for your aquatic ecosystem. Additionally, we’ll discuss why FoodBells rock salt is the preferred choice for aquariums and provide practical tips for incorporating it into your aquarium maintenance routine.

1. Understanding the Difference Between Rock Salt and Table Salt:

Rock salt, also known as Sendha Namak or aquarium salt, is a natural mineral salt that is harvested from salt deposits found in the earth. It contains a variety of essential minerals and trace elements that are beneficial for fish health and aquarium plants.

Table salt, on the other hand, is typically processed and refined to remove impurities and additives, making it unsuitable for use in aquariums. It may contain anti-caking agents, iodine, and other additives that can be harmful to fish and disrupt the delicate balance of your aquarium ecosystem.

2. Benefits of Using Rock Salt in Your Aquarium:

  • Promotes Fish Health: Rock salt contains essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which help support fish health and vitality. It can improve gill function, enhance osmoregulation, and reduce stress in fish.
  • Prevents Disease: Adding rock salt to your aquarium can help prevent common diseases such as ich (white spot disease) and fungal infections. Salt acts as a natural antiseptic and helps inhibit the growth of pathogens and parasites in the water.
  • Improves Water Quality: Rock salt can help stabilize water parameters and reduce nitrite toxicity in the aquarium. It can also enhance the effectiveness of filtration systems by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria.
  • Aids in Wound Healing: Salt has natural healing properties and can accelerate the healing process for fish with injuries or open wounds. It helps reduce inflammation, prevent infection, and promote tissue regeneration.

3. Why FoodBells Rock Salt is the Best Choice for Aquariums:

FoodBells rock salt is the highest quality salt available and is safe for use in aquariums. Unlike table salt, which may contain additives and impurities, FoodBells rock salt is pure and free from harmful chemicals.

When selecting rock salt for your aquarium, look for products labeled as FoodBells or suitable for aquarium use. Avoid using industrial-grade salt or salt intended for other purposes, as these may contain additives or contaminants that can harm your fish.

4. Practical Tips for Using Rock Salt in Your Aquarium:

  • Dosage: Follow recommended dosage guidelines when adding rock salt to your aquarium. Typically, a dosage of 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons of water is sufficient for most freshwater aquariums. Gradually add the salt over a period of time to avoid shocking your fish.
  • Dissolving Salt: Dissolve the rock salt in a separate container of aquarium water before adding it to the tank. This helps ensure that the salt is evenly distributed and prevents direct contact with sensitive fish or plants.
  • Monitoring: Regularly monitor water parameters, including salinity levels, when using rock salt in your aquarium. Avoid over-salting the water, as this can be harmful to fish and other aquatic life.
  • Water Changes: During water changes, replenish the salt levels in your aquarium by adding fresh water mixed with the appropriate amount of rock salt. This helps maintain a stable salinity level and ensures continued benefits for your fish.


Using rock salt (Sendha Namak) in your aquarium offers numerous benefits for fish health, water quality, and disease prevention. By choosing FoodBells rock salt and following proper dosing and monitoring practices, you can create a safe and thriving aquatic environment for your fish to enjoy. Incorporate rock salt into your aquarium maintenance routine and reap the rewards of healthier, happier fish and a beautiful aquarium display.

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